Thursday, May 15, 2014

Pa. governor's race is a big-money affair 

By Ben Finley, Inquirer Staff Writer
May 12 2014

 More than 45 millions dollars has went into the governors race in Pennsylvania. The Democratic candidates alone have generated a high amount of 31.5 millions dollars. Candidate Tom Wolf even put up ten million dollars of his own money for the election. The Pa gubernatorial race of 2002 was one of the most expensive in state history. A total of 31.5 millions dollars was spent in this race. while this time around the candidates collectively have spent  31.1 millions dollars. With almost a week left they are sure  to eclipse the amount of money is spent in the 2002 primary. This  highlights the importance of big donors in a state with no contribution amount. 

 The problem raised in the article is the amount of money being poured into these races. I learned that 31.1 millions dollars of money has been put into the gubernatorial race. there are no results that could affect public policy except the set an certain amount that can be contributed. The Author of this Article is depressed about how much money being pumped into the election. The impact of this issue that the  article brought up could be that all elections would have no donation amount which could rich people buying elections. 

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