Sunday, May 18, 2014

Wolf's Ads Resonated loudly in Pennsylvanian Primary 
Author Marc Levy Associated Press  Harisburg Pa
May 18 2014

Tom Wolf  aired an ad on January 30 to get the word about he was running for governor. Tom tells how he was born and raised in central pa. he has employees appear and talk about how he shares between 20-30 percent of the profit with his workers. The also features citizens talking about how tom protected the pa lottery and his family talking about how great and different their dad is. This ad allowed the not very known Tom Wolf establish a lead on the other very highly known candidates. With Wolf ad airing seven weeks before any of his other candidates he was the only guys that the voters knew. This one ad turned  Wolf into a golden boy who could not be brought down by the other candidates attack adds. Wolf's ad made him come off as a nice and reliable person and a nice reliable person is a candidate that the voters can trust and will vote for which is another one of the reasons he is running away with the election.  

The main point brought up in this article is that Tom Wolf ran off with the race based on one ad. There is nothing brought up in this add that might affect public policy. Some new information that i learned was that Tom Wolf's company was on the brink of bankruptcy and he came back and saved it. This information provide by this blog defines the importance of capitalization of early ads because they can win elections. The position taken by the author of the article is that he is amazed by Tom wolf's ad. The impact of this article could motivate other hopeful politicians to try and implore similar tactics.  

Pennsylvania Democratic gubernatorial hopefuls square off in primary

Article by Associated press of lehighvalleylive
May 18 2014

All four gubernatorial candidates(from the left to right Rob McCord, Katie McGinty, Allyson Schwartz, and Tom Wolf) share the same views on key issues such as Abortion Rights, Health care,  Education, and the Minimum wage. With regards to health care all the candidates want to remove Governor Corbett's "Health PA" plan which subsidizes  money to private insurance companies instead of medicaid. With regards to Abortion rights Again all the candidates back it but Katie McGinty is the biggest supporter for Abortion Rights. With regards to Education all of the candidates have slight different agendas of what the would like to change but all agree to return funding to public schools. Tom Wolf's agenda towards Education is more vague than they other candidates.

There is no real question being brought up in this article; this article is giving you the rundown of each candidate. Each candidate has similar views that will affect public policy the same, which happen to be education, support of abortion, and healthcare. The new information that i learned was that Tom wolf is way more vague on his agenda concerning health care than all of the other candidates i also learned that Katie McGinty is  the strongest supporter of abortion rights. The position taken  by the author is fact provider. the impact article would be making voters more informed about each candidate and their agendas. 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Surprising Winners and Losers in the Pennsylvania Governor’s Race So Far

Author Christopher Friend 
May 12 2014 
The race this fall should be an anticlimactic race for governor with the result be tom Corbett losing. Corbett lost big on his campaign where he aired a terrible commercial trying to blame a tax increase on Tom Wolf who made no polices at all. All that this accomplished was causing everyone to know that Tom Wolf is the 100% front runner and the candidate that he does not want to run against. But even with all of this Tom Corbett is considered  a winner. But after the primary Tom Corbett will make history by becoming the first incumbent governor to lose  reelection  losing the race by a margin of 18-20 points.  

The question that brought up by this article is that the primary election will be anticlimactic like the 76ers season and that it is widely known that the other candidates in the gubernatorial primary have basically lost and have virtually no chance of beating wolf  . This article mentioned taxes either candidate might promise to lower taxes to gather support for the primary election. I learned that Corbett has wasted money on terrible adds that are widely ineffective and in turn caused Tom Wolf to be recognized as the front runner This information could be used to question either Wolf's or Governor Corbett sincerity when they promise to lower taxes. This Author is very critical of Tom Corbett stating that he will make history by losing and added that it will  be buy  a huge margin.

A Role Reversal In Pennsylvania's Race For Governor

Author Frank James
May 16 2014 

If Tom wins the gubernatorial primary as the polls predict the political script will be flipped.  The Republican incumbent  , Gov. Tom Corbett would use the populist idea to attack Tom Wolf for being a business man who profits at the expense of the american people. With Tom Wolf having 33% support from the democratic party it is almost guaranteed that he will win the nomination. While the next closet competitor has only support in the teens. 

The Question that is brought up in this Article is That Governor Tom Corbett will be implying the same strategy that had great results in the 2012 presidential race. this article has informed me that the Governor Corbett will try use the same method that president Obama used. This information from this article could be used to better understand what the true of message of Governor Corbett  attack ads. The position of the Author in this Article is optimistic for Tom Corbett. The impact of this article could lead to the voters in the Mount Lebanon to not support Tom Wolf. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Pennsylvania Dems keep the gloves on in gubernatorial primary

This article was released April 21 2014 
The author of this is Scott Conroy CBS news.

With Republican Governor  Tom Corbett being  among the nation's most vulnerable incumbent governors up for re-election this year, the Pennsylvania Democrats are  vying to replace him they all  have ample reason  to not  pull any  punches in their bids for the nomination. If they election were held now self made business man Tom Wolf, .S. Rep. Allyson Schwartz, state treasurer Rob McCord, and former Clinton White House environmental official Katie McGinty -- would all crush   Governor Corbett. However there is a problem that all the democrats have run into in this election. That problem happens to be distinguishing themselves from the other candidates  

                                                                                                                The question addressed in this article was that the candidates need to do something to differentiate them selves. Because of articles like this the candidates stooped playing nice and really started to attack the other candidates. I learned that all of the candidates goals and priority's   are very similar to one another. The Position of the author in this article is very critical he express that all the democratic candidates are very similar and that Governor Corbett Will probably lose to one of them. The impact of this  article caused the candidates to try and differentiate themselves  and caused the gubernatorial primary to get ugly. 

Poll: Wolf holds onto hefty lead in Dem gov race

 May 14 2014  
Author is not known this is an editorial from Pittsburgh Action news.


 Tom Wolf is maintaining a 19 point  lead over his closest competitor in Pennsylvania's four-way race for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, according to poll results released Wednesday. while everyone else is being blown out of the water. this huge lead was caused by  Wolf's injection of $10 million in his campaign. This  enabled him to launch a statewide TV advertising campaign in late January that gave him an early, sizable lead his opponents have been unable to crack. The others did not begin regular TV spots until seven weeks later. Tom Wolf also is very popular with 33% of democrats like him while other candidates popularity is on the decline. With Time winding down it with only 39% of unregistered voters left it seems that tom wolf has this election in the bag. 

The Question presented in this Article is that Tom wolf has really pulled away from the other candidates due to the amount of money he pumped into his campaign. There results that this article could have is that law makers might limit the amount of money people are allowed to invest in these elections. I learned That wolf's opponents are starting to be perceived negatively. i could use this information to understand in the future why candidates decide to withdraw from elections earlier.  The position  taken by the author is that this election is over and tom wolf has won. The impact of this article could persuade people to vote for tom wolf because he is gonna win regardless.  

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Pa. governor's race is a big-money affair 

By Ben Finley, Inquirer Staff Writer
May 12 2014

 More than 45 millions dollars has went into the governors race in Pennsylvania. The Democratic candidates alone have generated a high amount of 31.5 millions dollars. Candidate Tom Wolf even put up ten million dollars of his own money for the election. The Pa gubernatorial race of 2002 was one of the most expensive in state history. A total of 31.5 millions dollars was spent in this race. while this time around the candidates collectively have spent  31.1 millions dollars. With almost a week left they are sure  to eclipse the amount of money is spent in the 2002 primary. This  highlights the importance of big donors in a state with no contribution amount. 

 The problem raised in the article is the amount of money being poured into these races. I learned that 31.1 millions dollars of money has been put into the gubernatorial race. there are no results that could affect public policy except the set an certain amount that can be contributed. The Author of this Article is depressed about how much money being pumped into the election. The impact of this issue that the  article brought up could be that all elections would have no donation amount which could rich people buying elections. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Pa. gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf receives criticism over loan, drilling stance 

    April 20 2014 

Attack ads over Loans and Drilling stance appear to have front runner Tom Wolf on the defensive.

Candidate Allyson Schwartz, aired ads that have brought up Candidate Tom Wolf's Wife and about the loans of substantial amount of money from the company M&T Bank and the influence it would have over him as governor. Along with the risk put on his company's employees and weather their livelihood would be placed in jeopardy.

Schwartz is not the only candidate to take a shot at front runner Tom Wolf. State Treasurer Rob McCord campaign released and add that criticized Wolf's approach to natural gas. Rob McCord tried to convey the message that tom wolf did not have the interest of the citizens in mind but that of the Natural gas Companies. "Tom Wolf and the others would leave hundreds of millions of dollars in the drillers' pockets. That's a bad deal for Pennsylvania," McCord says in the ad. "I'm tired of being played for a sucker. If you are too, join us."

Candidates bring to light issues that make Tom Wolf seem untrustworthy. The points brought up by Candidates Rob McCord and Allyson Scwartz may cause the candidate to have a  harder stance on natural gas. Many people myself included have learned that The front runner Tom Wolf's wife took a substaional loan of 4.5 million dollars. The postion of this article was a netural one with the authour trying his best to keep his opions of the candiates to him self. This issue may not have any impact on the gubernatorial primary but it could have affect on the primary and make Candiate Tom Wolf Seem Like an unreliable guy.